Volunteering abroad During the Corona virus outbreak

Volunteering abroad During the Corona virus outbreak

Want to volunteer abroad, intern abroad but worried about corona virus?

You are right to have concern by March 30th 2020, 33,993 people had died all around the world from the corona virus that epic point in Wuhan, China.

Dear Partners, Travelers, Volunteers, Guest this is the difficult time for everyone that’s why we need to take outbreak from the Corona virus (covid-19) and we wish to all have good health.

Let’s fight everyone with this virus to run out from the world and following the rules of local government and to stay self isolation (stay home). We believe we will win.

Once we will beat to Corona virus we will again work together, travel together, volunteer together, tour and trek together.

Let’s help your community to safe from corona virus tell everyone to stay home (self isolation) eat healthy food and keep distance from each other to have safe. Use mask, sanitize wash hand and drink plenty of water if possible with lemon and always stay clean with your body.

If you feel bored:) We will keep in touch via online https://www.facebook.com/nvdpvolunteer

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NVDP Volunteer is a not for Profit, non-religious, non- political, non -Governmental volunteer organization offering people to join volunteer project in Nepal.

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